About Us

about us

Excalibur Armour Group

Our combined functional, technical and hands-on experience of over 20 years, spans across more
than 24 countries and includes the VIP protection of royal families, business men and
entertainment celebrities alike. In addition to this, Excalibur Armour Group are highly
experienced in dealing with multinationals having been responsible for the successful
implementation of security services at various multinational companies.

Excalibur Armour Group maintains a wide range of qualified, highly trained personnel and
security infrastructures and we are continually expanding upon our knowledge and services to
assist clients. We pride ourselves on our proven track record for effectively administering
multiple implementations.

Exceptional functional and technical expertise, coupled with extensive industry knowledge and
successful implementation, ensures that our clients receive unmatched safety and security
services, with greater cost efficiency and uncompromising service excellence. These factors make
Excalibur Armour group the ideal choice to manage your company security needs.

“The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but
legendary”. ~ Sam Walton